XR Development


Virtual Reality is a rapidly growing technology and the next big frontier for countless industries. VR is all about the immersive experience, completely removing yourself from your surroundings and putting you in a whole other world. At J&F, we pride ourselves on our VR capabilities. We can leverage this expertise to provide better applications for training, simulation, and entertainment purposes.


Augmented reality is a very flexible and multi-faceted technology that allows its users the option to utilize it from most mobile platforms. A developer needs to be as adaptable as the technology to utilize it to its full potential. We’re just that kind of developer, and we can turn your ideas for this technology into a reality.


Mixed reality is often considered the same as augmented reality, but the difference is that mixed reality allows individuals to manipulate a 3D projected object in a non-virtual setting. Our capability in this cutting-edge technology can be the perfect tool for your success. Mixed reality is a challenging medium that we’re excited to share with you. Besides, who doesn’t like playing with holograms?

Augmented and Virtual Step-by-Step Procedures

We can take your procedures, instructions, and assemblies and transform them into an easy-to-follow, error-free guide in any mobile device or Head-Mounted Display. Our systems will integrate seamlessly with all your documents so they can be accessible in an easy-to-use database. Our specialty is to utilize cutting-edge technology to make your work easier, and this is one of many ways we can do that for you.

Educational AR/VR Development

We have utilized our expertise in Augmented and Virtual Reality to develop educational applications for numerous medical organizations. The visual tutorials we developed highlight key components of medical procedures and treatments, how they are administered, and their effects on the human body, all of which are displayed on easy-to-use interfaces. Our AR/VR applications have transformed educational procedures across multiple industries, and our intuitive designs and concepts can be applied to any kind of learning environment. If you’re looking for a new way to teach or learn, we’re ready to get you there.

Machine Learning and AI Integration

You need every advantage available to stay one step ahead of your competitors. That includes becoming as quick and efficient as possible. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence can be used to streamline procedures and process data a lot quicker than before. Our experience in setting this up can put you ahead and set you up for success.

3D Modeling and 3D Scanning

Our talented team of modelers and animators work to generate high-quality 3D assets in each of our applications. Utilizing a range of techniques from traditional modeling to photogrammetry, we provide quality models that fit the scope and budget of any project.


Using 3D modeling and LiDAR scanning technology, we can generate models that meet each project’s specifications for detail and functionality for both pre-rendered and real-time applications. Using photogrammetry, our artists can replicate real-world objects to create an identical virtual model for our projects. We then optimize the resulting model for real-time applications for both virtual and augmented reality.


We utilize MOCAP suits and recording systems to record, clean, and animate motion capture into our applications that require realistic human-like movement. Our AI systems can analyze video footage to produce motion capture assets and apply it to animated models. Our best example of this is with Memik, a mobile social dance application. MOCAP is used in practically every video game, movie, and television show that uses CGI, and we have the capabilities to implement it in your next project.


The integration of sensors into your field or having us use your existing ones will make your workplace or project that much more efficient. By having us implement these systems for you, you can monitor your equipment from a single dashboard. We can go even further with your applications and simulations, using IoT to enhance your users’ experience. These sensors will drive what happens in your application and automate changes based on the user’s actions. IoT gives you the ability to adapt to each challenge as they come, and our integrations can get you there.

54 Old Hampton Ln Hampton, VA 23669

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