ViTAL (Virtual Training Augmentation Layer) is an innovative product that allows users to experience virtual training applications guided by their body signals measured from wearable interfaces. ViTAL is designed to provide users with accurate quantifications of their bodily reactions and responses while training in either simulations (e.g., virtual or augmented reality) or in real life. ViTAL’s primary application has been in law-enforcement training, but the technology can be applied to any learning environment.


VRB (Virtual Roundballers) will be the first interactive and immersive virtual reality experience that allows fans to play one-on-one against other players. Fans will be able to play in realistic arenas against life-like NBA-caliber NPC players. VRB had a successful debut in February 2023 in Cleveland, OH, and we will be building off that success in the future development of the game. Visit the VRB website here for more information.


Memik is an augmented-reality social media platform where users can share and discover new dances, music, fashion, and more. Users can use 3D motion capture technology to create avatars with unique skins, outfits, and dances. Visit the Memik website here for more information.

No Plateau

No Plateau is a VR exercise and cycling application where users can utilize training lessons and schedules to exercise in virtual lifelike environments. No Plateau features multiple immersive virtual reality environments, multiplayer functionality with competitive leaderboards, and various exercise classes (including cycling, meditation, bootcamp, and yoga). Visit the No Plateau website here.

54 Old Hampton Ln Hampton, VA 23669

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