Mission Statement

J&F Alliance Group’s mission is to develop device-independent solutions that balance intelligent technology with human ingenuity. We help our customers capitalize on emerging technologies to save time and money, enhance training, improve performance, and ensure personnel safety.

About Us

J&F Alliance Group is an award-winning technology and innovations firm that provides advanced software solutions to commercial and governmental clients. J&F Alliance Group specializes in the design and development of cutting-edge software applications for use in medical services, training, research and development, and logistics.

J&F was founded in 2013 by Falana L. Dula-King and JarMarcus King, two United States Army veterans, to provide clients of any industry imaginable with the technological services and products needed to succeed. J&F’s talented team of AR/VR/MR designers, graphic/3D artists, and software developers create immersive environments with groundbreaking visual effects. And that’s only scratching the surface of what the technology can do, and what J&F can offer.

Whether it is providing the United States military with the right tools to succeed, helping medical professionals advance in diagnostics and treatment, or laying the groundwork for the next evolution of personal gaming, J&F Alliance Group offers our clients the right tools to solve tomorrow’s challenges.

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See How J&F Changes Business >>

54 Old Hampton Ln Hampton, VA 23669

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